XFO, This mod is ancient and not even compatible with the current version of Vanilla New Vegas.
MMUE Mission Mojave Ultimate Edition, Deletes records TTW needs and reuses Fallout 3 records.
NVEC New Vegas Enhanced Content, uses many unused records in FNV for it's own stuff, we use the same records because they're FO3 records.
Project Nevada, Anything but the core module is incompatible with 3.2+, that means Equipment, Rebalance and Cyberware are not compatible, Rebalance and Cyberware can be patched but Rebalance needs AI changing removed, Equipment can not be patched and is largely redundant with Fallout 3.
No longer crashes the game, and no longer uses SCA
- Completely new firing/grab animations for the bats with balls.
Note: The Bats with balls also have new idle animations, featuring Scout shifting it around.
- New Critical hit animations, uses different critical anims depending on whether your bat has a ball as well.
- Completely new origin/resting position Note: Different from the private beta version released on my group, also features completely new origin for the ball.
- All animations now blend decently well online.
Note: The effects of the shove are delayed by 0.33 seconds like any melee swing, and this animation is built to help you time that correctly.
- New shove animations, featuring Scout lifting the Shortstop to the top left of the screen, and swinging to the bottom right of the screen with incredible force and correct timing.
Note: Uses the Pistol's reload animation as a base and has the same spirit.
Note: The Shortstop's draw anim features Scout pulling it from the right.
- Updated and improved inspection animation now features Scout inspecting the magazine.
- New reload animation featuring the Scout spinning his pistol (again).
Note: The Pistol's draw anim features Scout pulling it from the left.
- New draw animation featuring the Scout spinning his pistol.
- Adjusted origin, not as close to the screen.
- Restructured and improved reloading animations, best viewed in online servers.
- Minor touches to fire and inspect anims (kinda unnoticeable).
- Made the draw animation a bit more forceful.
- Adjusted origin, not as close to the screen moved a bit to the right.
Note: This fixes errors with some animations bugging out.
- Adjusted sequence order to line up with Valve's as of latest update.
SMT III Shin Megami Tensei III Nocturne HD.
DSCS Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth: Complete Edition.
LOZ:MM3D The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask 3D.
↺6 The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild (Switch) ↺6 The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild (WiiU) To create shortcuts to your favorite games! Join us! Our away homes on the interwebs: Scout FP Animation Overhaul Signup Login ModsĪnd creators, since 2001.