Grenadier (Bronze): Kill 3 or more enemies with a single grenade. Chaaaaarge! (Bronze): Charge through 20 enemies. Meat Bag (Bronze): Use 15 enemies as human shields. Gone Shopping (Bronze): Complete Chapter 5 on any difficulty level. Emergency Room (Bronze): Complete Chapter 4 on any difficulty level. A Decent Animal (Bronze): Complete Chapter 3 on any difficulty level. A Steep Descent (Bronze): Complete Chapter 2 on any difficulty level. Not What I Thought It Was (Bronze): Complete Chapter 1 on any difficulty level. Successfully complete one of the following tasks to get a trophy: Win three times in a row to get the "Rock, Paper, Scissors" trophy. Use the D-pad to select rock, paper, or scissors. Press Triangle while not in combat and next to your partner to play rock, paper, scissors. Note: Restart from the checkpoint after getting the trophy if desired. The other two enemies will get on their knees, allowing you to shoot them both in the head with one bullet to get the "Pumpkin Patch" trophy. Easy "Pumpkin Patch" trophyĪt the first "Civilian" hostage spot in Chapter 1, have your partner tie down the first enemy. Note: Style upgrades such as Jigsaw and Pimp will add a lot of aggro. Upgrade a weapon until it has nearly a 100% aggro rating to get the "Hate Monger" trophy. Thus, restart from the checkpoint after getting the trophy. Note: You will also kill the civilians with the grenade. Easy "Grenadier" trophyĪt the first "Civilian" hostage spot in Chapter 1, tie down the three enemies, then throw a grenade in the middle of them to get the "Grenadier" trophy. There may be civilians around that you should protect or alternate paths that you and your partner can exploit. When entering a new area, take your time to explore it. Repeat this process to fully upgrade and purchase all the starting weapons.

However, you can upgrade your weapons again. Select "New", and you will have all the previously bought weapons, upgrades, and money from the previous mission. Select Campaign mode, and choose the one that was just played. Select the moral choice, then go to the main menu during the cutscene with the explosions. Play the game until reaching the cutscene with the moral choice. Use the starting money to upgrade your weapons or buy new ones. Successfully complete the game to unlock the Civilian, End, Light Armor, Mall, Medium Armor, and Old School costumes. Have a saved game file from the original Army Of Two to unlock the AS-KRI and S0-Z Grand Pinger for purchase. Successfully complete the game to unlock the "Big Heads" and "Infinite Ammo" cheats in the "Options" menu.