But it did mean he was relatively safely out of the fight. The Muton managed to knock him out cold though which was a shame 'cause I could have REALLY used a Ranger. Though he only grazed and stunned the Viper he did free Newbie and he dodged the Andromedian AND the Archeon. You'll be happy to learn though that he actually survived.

I went from getting through two heavy turrets and a squad of Advent to fighting two Vipers, an Andromedion, a stun lancer, two Archeons and two Mutons. One of those missions where you encounter only one squad until you get to the objective and suddenly three squads swarm you.

Just realised - for the time being at least, Coke is Captain Kirk.Įdit: Mission success. I don't know what's happening off screen to the left. Save the scientist, slightly increase armour research time. One more mission for today and I think that'll do me. The Japanese Specialist got promoted to Sergeant and earned his nickname so please welcome Ultrafunkula to the squad. Cowami's out for a while though and shaken.

Should be fun.Įdit: Well the rookie and the corporal got knocked out by Berzerkers, the sniper squaddie panicked, Cowami got strangled, shot, and slashed by a Faceless and only seven civilians survived but the squad's back at base in one piece. Three soldiers with experience and three rookies. Should make things interesting.Įdit: Yay, immediate terror mission. Meanwhile the other Specialist attracted everyone's fire and only got hit once so good for him.Īt the moment Cowami and Newbie are the only uninjured non-rookies I have. Newbie was going to emerge as the great saviour but missed both shots on a flanked target and Warden missed her sniper shot on the same target which was finally put down by Cowami.

Coke was bombarded and shot twice without cover but somehow survived.